Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blenheim Wooden Sign

Personal Collection - Blenheim Wooden Sign
24"x24" - Date Unknown 

Blenheim fans know it's always worth a stop whenever they see a sign proudly proclaiming 'WE SELL GOOD OLD Blenheim Ginger Ale'. That phrase is retro advertising at its best - simple, straight to the point, and highly effective. Blenheim resellers have long been using signs like this to draw in crowds of thirsty souls. More commonly seen though are smaller plastic signs, similar in design, last produced by Blenheim in the 80's (as I was told by a SOTB employee).  This sign is painted on plywood that shows some serious age. And yes, it's also the same sign used on the header of the blog. If anyone has a clue to its age, please drop me line.